1. BARREL, how would you solve the Israeli Arab conflict?
2. Well, PORK, I would focus on being a peacemaker. The ARABS AND JEWS are blood cousins. They are blood brothers and sisters. They are tied to each other genetically. They are tied to each other through Abraham. They are family and the super powers not of the family for oil and other purposes have been exploiting the family by stoking the conflict between the two blood brothers with arms and otherwise. I recommend that ARAB and JEW come together as family and set up a separate UNITED ARAB JEWISH NATIONS independent of the obviously dysfunctional United Nations.
3. The Israelis and the Arabs need to pause for 2 minutes and remember who they are. They need to work together in this new UNITED ARAB JEWISH NATIONS – as family – to stand up to the opposition.
4. They are kin. They are genetically linked. They are family. So enough already. Isaac and Ishmael need to get along and help one another. True, Ishmael attacked Isaac and Isaac defended himself which was the right thing to do. So let’s all get over it and work together as family. Let’s not focus on the past conflicts or religious differences. Let’s focus on the family kinship and love one another as brothers and sister. Short of a functioning UNITED ARAB JEWISH NATIONS peace we are trending toward an ARAB and ISRAELIS scorched earth Armageddon when all the while with a small amount of King Shalmanezer III and people of Nineveh humility perhaps Armageddon can be avoided.
5. There is no place for jealousy. There is no place for hatred. There is every reason to get oil greedy non-family actors out of the equation.
6. Isaac and Ishmael need to work together so each can rise from the dust and be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPER.
7. There is more than enough room for all in the Middle East. The two can fix the Middle East issues in a heartbeat by acknowledging that they are all family and by standing by one another as family in a new and vibrant UNITED ARAB and ISRAELI NATIONS organization. And in all this, there is a way to build the third temple without affecting the beautiful Dome of the Rock.
8. That is my take on the subject, PORK.
9. King Feisal spoke this same sentiment when he said:
“… the Arabs and Jews are cousins …, suffering similar oppression at the hands of powers stronger than themselves, and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step toward the attainment of their national ideals together. With the chiefs of your movement, especially with Dr. Weizmann, we have had, and continue to have, the closest relations. He has been a great helper of our cause, and I hope the Arabs may soon be in a position to make the Jews some return for their kindness. We are working together for a reformed and revived Near East, and our two movements complete one another. The Jewish movement is national and not imperialistic. Our movement is national and not imperialistic.; and there is room in Syria for us both. Indeed, I think that neither can be a real success without the other.” (William L. Hull, The Fall and Rise of Israel, p. 139.)