- BARREL, I read the Rasmussen poll and other polls and according to those polls the POTUS TRUMP APPROVAL RATING hovers around a low of 44% and high of 55%, what do you think?
- PORK, I’ll say it again. I’m an old advertising guy and those polls don’t make sense. Look at the immense attendance POTUS Trump gets at his rallies state by state while Hillary gets a few attendees. The left news has to gerrymander the camera angles to make it look like Hillary has a following. Pan a POTUS Trump rally with your TV camera and the building is packed to the rafters. My take still is that POTUS TRUMP’S APPROVAL RATING IS 80 TO 90%.
- Ok, BARREL, but what about the melt down of the left and some Republicans over POTUS TRUMP’s meeting with President Putin in Helsinki?
- PORK, what about it. What else is new? Once again POTUS TRUMP has played every media outlet in the world covering him. He got multi-millions if not billions of dollars in free TV time, all focused on him, all to the exclusion of any other candidate or world leader or famous person.
- BARREL, you are right. He is the most watched personality on the planet. And when FLOTUS MELANIA TRUMP or IVANKA TRUMP walk in, all the men stop dead in their tracks and all the women envy and lament that they are not as good looking. With Melania and Ivanka at his side, his approval rating is probably closer to 90 to 95%.
- PORK, I think 80 to 90% is more accurate. There is a contingent on the left that wishes he would go away. Think of it though, he prevented a nuclear meltdown in North Korea saving several hundred million lives. Now he is preventing a world melt down that impacts billions.
- Ok, BARREL, but what about President PUTIN’s saber rattling, showing off his long range missile and other ordinance?
- PORK, he is making the point that it is a good thing POTUS TRUMP and he made the effort to travel to Helsinki. A major benefit is discussion of nuclear disarmament. How can anyone in America with a lick of sense not be grateful to POTUS TRUMP. and the democrat idea of a war with Russia is unthinkable.
Meanwhile the Democrats chew their knuckles and continue to do nothing.
- POTUS TRUMP, as he promised, flew to Helsinki for the meeting and press conference with Russian President Putin and now says POTUS TRUMP is going to have another meeting. He has invited President Putin to Washington DC.
- Do nothing democrats are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome because POTUS TRUMP met with President Putin and will meet with him again. Negative democrats believe the continuing cold war is inevitable.
- POTUS TRUMP gets along very well with President Putin and reaffirms there was no collusion between him and the Russians and that the Russians have nothing on him and results are that the U.S. and Russia now have a good relationship.
- Do nothing democrats are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome because they are haters and want a boxing match and a confession from President Putin that he and the Russian state controlled POTUS Trump.
- POTUS TRUMP seriously discussed nuclear disarmament with President Putin as the two countries control 90% of the world’s nuclear ordinance.
- Do nothing democrats are nuts and want to go to war with Russia.
- POTUS TRUMP suggested others besides Russia were meddling in the U.S. election. [Like Brennan, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Comey, DNC, Podestas, Hillary and Bill, Soros, etc., etc.]
- Do nothing democrats are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome because POTUS Trump and President Putin called them out for laundering 400 million dollars [Looks like at least 484 million; Including paying Russians a million dollars for a fake dossier; and for pushing flawed FISA warrants; and for selling out a quarter to half of America’s uranium to the Russians; and for fake news pushing “the Russians colluded with POTUS Trump to make Hillary lose the election” narrative.] and because they say POTUS Trump didn’t support the U.S. intelligence community.
- POTUS TRUMP reviewed the Helsinki press conference transcript, and spoke to the nation, clarifying, and reaffirming his faith in Director Dan Coats and the nation’s intelligence community, again garnering multi-millions of dollars in free air time; meanwhile, the White House has prepared a list of all of the many ways POTUS TRUMP has been supporting the USA as against Russia and other adversarial nations.
- Do nothing democrats went and still are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome, continuing to beat POTUS Trump up, with Chuck Schumer “shouting” “too little too late,” not doing his homework to read the fact that Rod Rosenstein said no American participated and no Russian was guilty until such was proven in a court of law, and not getting it that the 12 charged could not be extradited for a trial anyway.
- POTUS TRUMP discussed NATO with President Putin, having earlier had a brilliant meeting with NATO allies, garnering billions of dollars more for NATO from allies who have been dillitory in making their NATO payments, and this to strengthen NATO.
- Do nothing democrats are still nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome, stirring up the fake news media, and casting verbal foolishness about NATO and POTUS TRUMP who is VIGOROUSLY defending the nation on its borders and abroad.
- POTUS TRUMP acknowledged Russia’s help with North Korea and tweets, “where relationships with us are very good and the process is moving along. There is no rush, the sanctions remain! Big benefits and exciting future for North Korea at end of process!”
- Do nothing democrats went and still are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome, wringing their hands, and lamenting the fact that POTUS TRUMP has saved millions of people from nuclear holocaust.
- POTUS TRUMP says this Russia reset with President Putin will be an even greater success with many positive things to come. [Discussed working together to eliminate terrorism, working together to eliminate Syrian conflict and provide humanitarian aid, coupled with talks of reducing nuclear armaments.]
- Do nothing democrats went and still are nuts with Trump Derangement Syndrome, accusing both POTUS TRUMP and President Putin, while still having no democrat policies that help us be free, safe, and prosperous.
BARREL & PORK image and blog post. by Richard W. Linford
(c) Copyright 2018 Linford Corporation
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BARREL & PORK image and blog post. by Richard W. Linford
(c) Copyright 2018 Linford Corporation
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