1. So, BARREL, where are we with democratic party politics today?
2. Has Kamala Harris beaten Biden and secured the Democratic Presidential Nomination?
3. Looks like it, PORK.
4. One Quinnipiac poll shows Joe with a very slight lead over Senator Kamala Harris for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination by 2 points only. https://poll.qu.edu/national/release-detail?ReleaseID=2631
5. Another shows Harris and Biden tied. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/joe-biden-kamala-harris-virtual-tie-democratic-nomination-new-poll-n1025
6. I think push comes to shove and Harris is way ahead.
7. Like everyone thought Hillary was ahead of POTUS Trump.
8. Proved not to be so.
9. All this tells me Joe’s lead has evaporated.
10. He is on a downward trajectory heading once again for a 3rd or 4th time toward failure to obtain the nomination.
11. Keep in mind that nothing fails like failure.
12. So all this tells me he hasn’t got momentum.
13. His age.
14. His multiple gaffes.
15. His rambling inability to think.
16. The left leaning Democratic party will not let him carry the torch.
17. Why?
18. Because he is a disaster not just waiting to happen. He is a disaster that is in the midst of happening.
19. His responsibility for the many failed Obama initiatives.
20. His Russia misuse of his office connection.
21. His China misuse of his office connection.
22. His multiple failures to secure the nomination in the past.
23. His flip flopping on policy.
24. Again, his gaffes.
25. His negatives cannot be overcome.
26. So, PORK, I’m going to walk out on a limb and say: Senator Kamala Harris will secure the nomination for President.
27. Julian Castro or Cory Booker will be Vice President.
28. A woman and a Hispanic or Black is the democratic dream team.
29. Kamala Harris alone has the good looks.
30. She has the youth.
31. She has the brains.
32. She has the no non-nonsense take no prisoners chutzpah to stand up to POTUS Trump and not just give him a run for his money in debate but also along the campaign trail.