1. PORK, you ask am I going to vote for POTUS DONALD TRUMP and VP MIKE PENCE?
2. Yes. Yes I am.
3. Why aren’t you going to vote for Sleepy Joe Hiden and Kamala, BARREL?
4. Because Sleepy Joe Hiden and Kamala are fake candidates, PORK.
5. Because the Democrats have not solved indeed cannot name one problem they have solved to help us and our children and unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
6. Because Joe Hiden has used his political office to help himself and his family enrich themselves with Chinese and Ukraine and other wrongfully obtained money.
7. Because after all these years Joe Hiden and the Democrats have not helped African Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
8. Because Joe Hiden and the Democrats have not helped Hispanic and Latino Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
9. Because Joe Hiden and the Democrats have not helped Native Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
10. Because Hiden and the Democrats have not helped Jewish Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
11. Because Hiden and the Democrats have not helped Asian Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
12. Because Hiden and the Democrats have not helped Caucasian Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
13. Because Hiden and the Democrats have abused and defunded and persecuted our honest, dedicated police and first responders.
14. Because Hiden and the Democrats have done little or nothing to decry and stop violence in our streets.
15. Because Sleepy Joe Hiden and the Democrats Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, and others, have achieved little or nothing for us. All they have done is waste millions of dollars and months and years of time and energy with their incessant vitriol abusing POTUS TRUMP and his family.
16. I have no intention of voting for Joe and Kamala because Joe Hiden and Kamala were and still are complicit in all of Obama’s failed policies which did little or nothing to help us or our children or our unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
17. Joe Hiden knew about and was in the highest level meetings with Obama, and thus was complicit in carrying out the traitorous spy operation and the coup against a sitting president of the United States.
18. Because Hiden was complicit in the egregious Obama, Comey, FBI, CIA, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Mueller failed, wasteful attempt to impeach and remove a president of the United States.
19. Because Hiden knew about and was complicit in China-gate billions of dollars bribery and technology transfer.
20. Because Hiden helped arrange egregious sums of money – more than a billion dollars – from China and other sources to his family and the Democratic National Committee in return for political favors and technology transfer to China. I don’t think anyone has documented where the billion dollars plus went that allegedly was funneled to Hiden’s son.
21. Because Hiden confessed on national TV to being in charge of Ukraine for the Obama Administration and confessed to the crime of withholding $1 billion in loan guarantees from the USA to force Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was looking into the company from which his son was receiving great sums of money from. Glenn Beck with lurid details says Joe was involved in funding a proxy war against Russia.
22. Self-touted 47 years in government office Joe Hiden abused his office for personal gain. He and his family became egregiously wealthy by unethically trading on his position as a high U.S. official.
23. Because Joe Hiden is a proven liar.
23.1. He falsely claimed he holds 3 bachelor’s degrees.
23.2. Falsely claimed he graduated top in his law school.
23.3. Falsely claimed he was on a full scholarship.
23.4. Falsely claimed he came from a family of coal miners in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
23.5. Admitted that he plagiarized in law school.
23.6. He plagiarized in his speeches.
23.7. Falsely claimed he was arrested with Nelson Mandela.
23.8. Falsely claimed he supported the Hyde Amendment which bans federal funding of abortion.
24. I will not vote for Sleepy Joe Hiden because he is too old, senile, confused, and experiencing cognitive decline dementia.
24.1. Joe Hiden’s campaign handlers have been hiding him in his basement.
24.2. Hiden’s mental acuity is diminishing in plain sight.
24.3. Hiden is incapable of debating POTUS TRUMP.
25. Most important for all women, all mothers and children, Joe is creepy and predatory.
25.1. Hiden is into smelling up to young girls caught multiple times on camera.
25.2. Hiden is touchy-feely with other people’s children.
25.3. Hiden is touchy-feely with women – with wives of other men – “including the then wife of former husband of Joe Hiden’s present wife.” Figure that one out.
25.4. There are multiple credible accusations of sex abuse against Joe Hiden.
25.5. There is the credible accusation from Tara Reade of rape – with hardly a breath of review from the media when if a Republican was involved the press would be berserk.
26. Joe Hiden ran for president and lost. He had several chances and blew it.
27. Joe Hiden is mentally wired for not just one or two but many gaffes. The idea of having gaffe Joe Hiden deal with foreign leaders or governors makes no common sense.
28. Joe Hiden and the Democrats support unfettered abortion.
29. Joe Hiden and the Democrats support open borders which destroys our country. There is no such thing as country unless there are strong borders requiring all who come here to come here legally.
30. For 47 years Joe Hiden has been complicit in the decay and destruction and riots and overwhelming crime and abuse of the Black and Hispanic communities in the multiple cities run by the democrats.
31. Joe Hiden and the Democrats are now avowed socialists trending communist with Bernie Sanders and far left actors.
32. Hiden supports defunding the police which when implemented eliminates our hope for safety in our inner cities suburbs and rural communities.
33. Joe Hiden can point to few if any bills he has sponsored in his 47 years in government that have helped us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
34. Most if not all of Obama’s/Hiden’s failed policies made us un-free, un-safe, and un-prosperous, saddling us with political correctness, attacking and marginalizing our Constitution, while rewriting American history.
35. Because Joe Hiden lacked common sense and chose “Kamelion” Harris as his VP running mate.
35.1. Like so many other chameleon politicians, including Joe Hiden, she is whatever the electorate wants her to be at the time.
35.2. On the one hand she debated and destroyed Joe Hiden with vitriol. Now she cozies up to Hiden and is Hiden’s VP running mate which choice of VP is one more evidence that sleepy Joe Hiden lacks common sense.
35.3. Given Joe Hiden’s cognitive decline and age, the idea of Kamala Harris running the country is impossible.
36. Because election of the two of them is election of a guaranteed economic depression.
37. Joe Hiden simply cannot garner the support of the thinking masses. Just look at Hiden’s pathetic rating attempts to engage the electorate including the pathetic ratings for the DNC convention.
38. Summed up, I judge politicians and political organizations by what they actually do to help us and our unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS, not by what they say they are going to do. Judging from his actions, Joe Hiden is not a patriot. For 47 years, Joe Hiden and the Democratic party have done little or nothing of consequence to help us Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Caucasian Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. To the contrary Joe Hiden has misused his office to enrich himself and his Hiden family and China at our expense by selling out our country and its technology to China and others for money.
39. If I sound upset, I am. The democrats are hanging their political hat on the simple proposition that you should vote for Joe Hiden because Hiden is not POTUS TRUMP. What do I say to that?
40. My answer? Preposterous. The democrats have by design diverted our attention away from their abject failure to help us and the cities they govern be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. They, like Nancy Pelosi and her recent abuse of COVID rules, don’t want us “deplorable African Americans” to do our homework and know the truth. They don’t want us “deplorable Hispanic and Latino Americans” to do our homework. They don’t want us deplorable “Native Americans” to do our homework. They don’t want us deplorable “Jewish Americans” to do our homework. They don’t want us depolorable “Asian Americans” to do our homework. They don’t want us “Caucasian Americans” to do our homework and know the truth. Why? Because when we do our homework we see the truth about the do nothing democrats. I am voting for POTUS TRUMP because I’ve done my homework. During Joe Hiden’s 47 years in office he and his democrat cronies have done nothing of consequence to help us and our unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS —
41. POTUS TRUMP is the first elected president – excepting George Washington and Abraham Lincoln – who has kept his campaign promises – 300+ campaign promises kept — including rollback of hundreds of onerous regulations.
42. POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE are proven doers of the word not hearers or speakers only.
43. While the democrats have spent our treasure and wasted the nation’s time and energy tearing down POTUS TRUMP and his family and criticizing and stressing our Constitutional rights and encouraging and fomenting riot and mayhem and unrest in our cities, POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE and POTUS TRUMP’S administration have spent their time and energy and our resources building the country. They have helped us remain FREE. They uphold and fight for our Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion and FREEDOM of Assembly.
43.1. POTUS TRUMP supports the Constitution.
43.2. He supports American democratic values and principles and stands up for our flag.
43.3. He is patriotic.
43.4. He is working for America not against America – working to make America great.
43.5. He supports Christian and other religions.
43.6. He supports Israel including a two state solution to the Palestinian situation and he supports Jerusalem as capital of Israel.
43.7. He supports law and order.
44. While the democrats have spent our treasure and wasted our time and energy tearing down POTUS TRUMP and his family and criticizing and fomenting unrest in our cities, POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE and POTUS TRUMP’S administration have made us more SAFE.
44.1. POTUS TRUMP is focused on law and order and our SAFETY.
44.2. He is appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court and other courts.
44.3. POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE and Dr. Birx have managed the Covid situation admirably.
44.4. They have provided Covid help nationwide in a more than timely manner.
44.5. POTUS TRUMP just announced and authorized use of a major plasma breakthrough in Covid treatment and with warp speed is moving inexorably to a vaccine.
44.6. He has strengthened and continues to strengthen our military.
44.7. He has looked after and is looking after our VETS.
44.8. He strengthens and supports the police and all other first responders while at the same time deploring and fighting to mitigate misuse and abuse of police power.
44.9. He has built and is building the wall and setting up other strong barriers as he promised thus preventing illegal access to America and its resources.
44.10. He has a good working relationship with Mexico such that Mexico is enforcing its own immigration laws.
44.11. He is protecting the nation from drug runners including those who sell fentanyl and other opioids.
44.12. He is protecting the nation from the sex trade – providing funds to rescue and rehabilitate children and women who have been kidnapped and forced into the slave trade, declaring war on pedophiles and traffickers.
44.13. He marginalized and destroyed ISIS and al-Qaeda.
44.14. He is rounding up and jailing and deporting gangs and other criminals.
44.15. He is rounding up and jailing the antifa and other rioters and looters.
44.16. He is supporting Barr and Durham in the indictment of those at highest levels who have committed felonies be they republican or democrat.
44.17. He is protecting our unborn, stopping funding abortion internationally, defunding Planned Parenthood.
45. While the democrats have spent our treasure and wasted our time and energy tearing down and criticizing POTUS TRUMP and fomenting riot and unrest in our cities, POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE and POTUS TRUMP’S administration have made us more PROSPEROUS.
45.1. He and VP Pence have worked tirelessly to conquer the China virus.
45.2. He has provided stimulus funding to keep us going while jobs return. He added 1.4 million jobs in August. After the US economy shut down because of COVID, the unemployment has now dropped from 14.7% to 8.4%.
45.3. He has brought companies and jobs back from China and elsewhere.
45.4. He has shown he can lead and recover our jobs and economy when the COVID going is tough.
45.5. Before Covid, he provided more jobs and a better economy than any other POTUS in history. Now he is doing the same again and the stock market has been high.
45.6. He got rid of NAFTA and has unwound international agreements harmful to America.
45.7. He brokered the Mexico/Canada free-trade deal and the recent Israel-Arab deal.
45.8. He has placed tariffs on China.
45.9. He has placed economic pressure on Iran to encourage it to stop funding terrorist groups.
45.10. Again, he has taken the economy to stunning success not just once but now twice.
45.11. Despite Covid the stock market has been experiencing record highs.
45.12. He has provided more jobs for African Americans and Hispanics and others than any president in history.
45.13. Unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics is at an all time low. Opportunities for African Americans and Hispanics are at an all time high.
46. Every effort of POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE has been to help we the people be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS while at the same time the democrats and foreign nations and other globalist egalitarian bad actors have spent our time and energy and millions of our money accusing and persecuting POTUS TRUMP and his family.
46.1. Joe Hiden and Kamala Harris and the democrats have abused POTUS TRUMP and his family more severely than any other POTUS or government leader in history.
46.2. For this reason and all the other reasons mentioned, POTUS TRUMP is one of the top two or three greatest presidents of the United States of all time.
47. For these reasons, I am voting for POTUS DONALD J TRUMP and VP MIKE PENCE and if even a fraction of this message is given to the American people I predict a landslide victory for POTUS TRUMP in November regardless of the mode of balloting and other democrat efforts pre or post election to sabotage POTUS TRUMP and VP MIKE PENCE and POTUS TRUMP’S administration.
48. But won’t the left-leaning and right-leaning media work together to blunt the chances of POTUS TRUMP and VP MIKE PENCE? Not if they are smart they will not. If they are smart they will vote POTUS TRUMP and VP MIKE PENCE because TRUMP/PENCE are focused on helping them and the nation be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS while Joe Hiden has a 47 year history of doing nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.