1. PORK, you know of course that the DO NOTHING BOOMERANG is the new party symbol for the Democratic party?
2. Yes, I do, BARREL.
3. Clinton paid for fake Russia dossier boomeranged.
4. Clinton Benghazi fake video boomeranged.
5. Clinton bleach bit destruction of emails boomeranged.
6. Clinton hammers to Blackberries boomeranged.
7. Clinton takeover of DNC finances boomeranged.
8. Clinton China gate tech transfer boomeranged.
9. Clinton Lynch Tarmac meeting boomeranged.
10. Clinton Foundation cash from governments and individuals boomeranged.
11. Clinton Quid Pro Quo from foreign governments and individuals boomeranged.
12. Obama false FISA warrants boomeranged.
13. Obama Fast and Furious boomeranged.
14. Obama Biden billions to Iran boomeranged.
15. Biden China gate boomeranged.
16. Biden Ukraine gate boomeranged.
17. Comey leaks boomeranged.
18. Comey usurpation of AG role boomeranged.
19. Pelosi, Schumer anti Gorsich and Kavanaugh efforts boomeranged.
20. Pelosi, Schumer multi-million dollar waste of a Mueller Report boomeranged.
21. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Podesta Russia collusion boomeranged.
22. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler Obstruction of justice boomeranged.
23. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler Bribery accusation boomeranged.
24. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler Star Chamber Impeachment boomeranged.
25. Pelosi ripping up State of the Union address boomeranged.
26. Pelosi doing nothing to help her California constituency is boomeranging.
27. Schiff doing nothing to help his California constituency is boomeranging.
28. Schumer doing nothing to help his New York constituency is boomeranging.
29. Nadler doing nothing to help his New York constituency is boomeranging.
30. Sanders pushing a socialist agenda is boomeranging.
31. Bloomberg pushing his billions Johnny come lately is boomeranging.
32. Romney voting against POTUS TRUMP and doing nothing to help his Utah constituency boomeranged.
33. Dems doing little or nothing to help our military boomeranged.
34. Doing little or nothing to secure our borders and help fund and build the wall boomeranged.
35. Doing little or nothing to help fund and improve our infrastructure boomeranged.
36. Doing little or nothing to help reduce regulations and get rid of political corrrectness boomeranged.
37. Doing little or nothing to help reduce costs of health care boomeranged.
38. Overall, doing nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS boomeranged.
39. PORK, we told the democrats how to win elections but they wouldn’t believe us.
40. We told them why POTUS TRUMP continues to win and has such high approval ratings and will win a second term.
41. Remind me, BARREL.
42. We told them multiple times, “ALL THE DEMOCRATS NEED TO DO TO WIN ELECTIONS AND BEAT POTUS TRUMP IS STOP CRITICIZING POTUS TRUMP AND HELP US BE FREE, SAFE, AND PROSPEROUS and jettison all of the consultants telling them otherwise.”
43. Not going to happen, BARREL.
44. They are obsessed with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.
45. Besides, just before the election it would be too little too late if they are so inclined to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
46. POTUS TRUMP has already done that and in the process has beaten the democrats at what they thought was their own game.
47. The democrats under Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler have done little or nothing for us except trash the constitutional impeachment power and spend in excess of $30 million of our hard earned money and waste our time for several years in these foolish investigations and impeachment hearings.
48. During the same time, POTUS TRUMP, who was acquitted on all counts, has helped Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Caucasian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Catholic Americans, Evangelical Americans, Latter-day Saint Americans, Seventh Day Adventist Americans, all American sports enthusiasts, all American military personnel, all Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS
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