BARREL, what do most democrats and republicans and the media say about Joe Biden?
PORK, they set forth among other reasons these fifteen reasons not to vote for him.
1. The media has given Joe the moniker creepy uncle Joe.
2. He is known for his misconduct.
2.1. – Whispering in women’s ears.
2.2. – Shoulder rubbing women.
2.3. – Slow kissing the back of a young woman’s head.
3. He is at heart angry.
4. He is a career politician who has difficulty relating to younger generations.
5. He fraudulently used his office while in office to enrich himself and his family including his son with multi-millions of dollars from China.
6. He is now a socialist zebra having changed his stripes to lean farther left with the rest of the democrat candidates.
7. He is not electable as shown by the fact that few show up to his rallies which prompts the DNC to ask where is the white knight who besides Joe or Bernie or Elizabeth will rise up and be the democratic candidate. What about Oprah Winfrey or Michael Jordan?
8. Joe used his office to remove a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son, admitted it on camera, and laughed about it.
9. He is a questionable thinker and his multiple memory lapses and gaffes are common.
10. Joe has done little during his many years in politics for Black or Hispanic or Jewish Americans.
11. He has little history of keeping political promises while POTUS Trump has kept more than 300 of his campaign promises.
12. If elected, Joe will likely cost the New York Times and CNN and ABC and NBC and MSNBC and Fox News and Washington Post millions of dollars not to mention Joe’s negative effect on the US economy and this while POTUS Trump is generating billions of dollars in advertising for the media and has given impetus to the best economy and stock market and job situation for Blacks and Hispanics and the rest of us, including a strongest military, and dealing with a problematic border situation, ever.
13. Joe owns all of Barack Obama’s baggaged-up failed policies including but not limited to FISA warrant abuse, supporting the IRAQ and Afghan wars which cost us trillions, not dealing with ISIS, appeasement payment of a billion dollars in small bills to Iran, not to mention Joe’s part in the democrat contrived fake news Russia and Mueller probe and now impeachment hoax.
14. Like most of the democrats, since POTUS Trump was elected Joe has wasted his time and our time and treasure denigrating POTUS Trump and this while POTUS Trump has used his time and energy to help us be free, safe, and prosperous.
15. Even Joe’s campaign people and Joe’s wife can’t think of a good reason to vote for him.