So, BARREL, how can POTUS TRUMP AND STATE GOVERNORS jump start many parts if not all of the economy and get as many persons back to work tomorrow morning?
PORK, help me focus on alternatives rather than focus on one way.
OK. Here are six ways, any one of which should be satisfactory.
1. FREE ANTIBODY TEST. Anyone passing a free antibody test which shows that a he or she is immune from the virus and wearing a certified mask for a time gets to go back to work and school, etc., immediately.
2. FREE MEDICAL STATEMENT. Anyone obtaining and providing a free medical statement from a doctor or clinic or hospital certifying that a person has had the virus and recovered and wearing a certified mask for a time gets to go back to work and school, etc., immediately.
3. FREE ANTI-COVID-19 TEST. Anyone passing a free Anti-Covid 19 test and wearing a certified Anti-Covid 19 mask for a time gets to go back to work and school, etc., immediately.
4. ANY BUSINESS MAY OPEN IMMEDIATELY by having a city, county, or state health department certify that it complies with 1) distancing of all workers, 2) all employees wearing certified masks, 3) all employees are tested for fever and covid-l9 and no employees who test positive are permitted to work, 4) no workers in the high-risk age group over age 70 are working at the business.
5. IN ANY AREA OF THE COUNTRY RECEIVING A DECLARATION signed by POTUS TRUMP and agreed to and signed by his COVID 19 team – businesses may open and function normally — following POTUS guidelines.
6. ANY BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY THAT CAN DEMONSTRATE THAT IT CAN FUNCTION VIRTUALLY on-line using the telephone, email, text, social media, and Zoom/Gotomeeting can open immediately and function normally.