1. BARREL, have Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans failed us miserably and in the process underestimated POTUS Trump?
2. Yes, PORK, they have and they still are failing us miserably and they are still underestimating POTUS Trump.
3. How so, BARREL?
4. PORK, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans have now wasted months of their and our time and much more than $30 million of our tax money on a failed now boomeranged Russia narrative and Mueller Report and impeachment narrative, caring not one whit for us but only for themselves and their antagonism toward POTUS Trump.
5. In business, Adam and Nancy and their crony democrats and republicans would be ousted from the company for failing to build the company, wasting time, while intentionally losing $30 million plus as they have done.
6. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans are not builders.
7. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans have done everything to tear down and nothing to build our country.
8. They have failed us miserably. In the process they have violated their oath of office.
9. They have wasted our time and our money and our trust. They have failed to help us be free, safe, and prosperous.
10. Nancy has failed her own San Francisco district which has gone down, down, down. Who would want to visit San Francisco given its lack of attention to hygiene.
11. For her dereliction of duty, Nancy should know she is in serious danger of being outed by a smart political competitor and a thinking San Francisco electorate.
12. Likewise, Adam Schiff has done nothing of consequence to help his California district. He has wasted his time and our time and our money in this foolish vendetta against POTUS Trump.
13. In the meantime, POTUS Trump has cared for us by keeping more than 300 of his promises he made to us including building the wall (Keep in mind that the Mexican government at last note had 27000 troops on the border helping us block illegal entry to the country – Mexico is paying for a human wall.). POTUS Trump has helped all of us Americans – BLACKs and HISPANICs, JEWs and NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITEs and ASIAN AMERICANS – be free. safe. and prosperous. He is responsible for one of the best American economies and stock markets in history.
14. I’ll say it again, if Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans want to win elections and be of any value to us the electorate, they have got to fire the ad agencies and pr agencies and consultants and lawyers who are conning them into prolonging this impeachment garbage.
15. We are over the tipping point sick and tired of Nancy’s and Adam’s and their crony democrat and republican misguided false narratives and collusion to take down a president of the United States.
16. If they want our votes, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans need to do an about face and focus on helping us be free, safe, and prosperous and stop all of this nonsense impeachment waste of money and time. That is what a thinking electorate wants and will vote for.