BARREL, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani just stepped forward and in a national press conference made their case to the American people claiming hundreds of affidavits document fraud including fraudulent insertion of thousands of votes the night of November 3rd.
Yes, take a look at the following. The FEC Chairman agrees.
FEC Chairman: If Sidney Powell Says There Was Rampant Voter Fraud, ‘I Believe Her’
Trey Trainor, head of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), said in a tweet Tuesday that he believes Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell’s claim of widespread election fraud.
Powell, a former federal prosecutor, recently claimed the president’s legal team has been receiving a deluge of evidence concerning voter fraud and other irregularities, telling Fox Business that she has enough proof to launch a widespread criminal investigation and that, “we’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states.”
While she declined to detail what evidence she may have in her possession, she insisted, “I don’t make comments without having the evidence to back it up.”
Trainor, in his tweet, called Powell “forthright and honest in every case she’s ever taken on,” adding that, “if she says there is rampant voter fraud in #Election2020, I believe her.”
Meanwhile, Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski told “The Water Cooler” podcast that he, too, believes Powell’s claim of having evidence of systemic election fraud.
Lewandowski, speaking to podcast host David Brody, called Powell a “dogged professional attorney” and said that “if she says she has that evidence, I have no reason to doubt her at all.”
“It’s going to be time to start to present that evidence and present it to a court of law,” he added.
Powell’s claim centers on the notion that elections software switched “millions of votes” from President Donald Trump to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
She said a whistleblower has come forward alleging that the voting software was designed to “rig elections.”
“He saw it happen in other countries,” she said, apparently referring to election hardware and software by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, or perhaps other software and machines.
“They can stick a thumb drive in the [voting] machine, they can upload software to it even from the Internet … from Germany or Venezuela even,” Powell said, adding that operations “can watch votes in real-time” and “can shift votes in real-time,” or alleged bad actors can “remote access anything.”
“We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they’ve used—and planned to use from the beginning” that allegedly switched votes to Biden, Powell said.
Dominion Voting Systems has denied several times to media outlets that its software and devices are not secure or that they were used to switch votes.
“Dominion Voting Systems categorically denies false assertions about vote switching issues with our voting systems,” the company said in a statement. “Vote deletion/switching assertions are completely false.”
“No credible reports or evidence of any software issues exist,” the company stated, adding, “Human errors related to reporting tabulated results have arisen in a few counties, including some using Dominion equipment, but appropriate procedural actions were made by the county to address these errors were made prior to the canvass process.”
A national coalition that includes the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Association of State Election Directors said there is a lack of evidence supporting the claim that voting software deleted or switched votes in the election.
“There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised,” a joint statement from the coalition said, and called the 2020 election “the most secure in American history.”
Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council, one of two entities that authored the statement put out by CISA.
Trainor, in earlier remarks to Newsmax, said he believes locations where poll watchers were not allowed “meaningful access” to observe vote tabulation could be involved in voter fraud.
“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these places,” Trainor told the outlet. “Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”
The official referred to a case in Pennsylvania, where a court ordered them to allow the Trump campaign to have poll observers watch from six feet away, but the order was defied.
“They have not been allowed that meaningful access,” Trainor said, adding that if the law was broken in this regard, the election was “illegitimate.”
Sidney Powell, author of the bestseller “Licensed to Lie” and lead counsel in more than 500 appeals in the Fifth Circuit, in Washington on May 30, 2019. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
2. Yes, PORK. Listen to Rudy Giuliani’s recent Common Sense podcast. See of which following is a transcript.
2. “Welcome to Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense. This is another episode and this is a very important one.
3. “We’re going to summarize the state of the evidence against the Biden Crime Family.
4. “It’s really mounted up since the disclosures of the emails and texts and photographs of Hunter Biden and now things that were proven by witnesses, documents, and video tapes, that were ignored and lied about by the press, are now proven by Hunter Biden’s own words.
5. “Let me assure you that this is his hard drive.
6. “It was given to my lawyer by the gentleman who had repaired it.
7. “It had been left behind by, he says, a drunken Hunter Biden who came in and had a very hard time even signing and did describe what he wanted.
8. “He came back one time to supply a keyboard and then after it was repaired he never returned even though there was substantial notices to return.
9. “After a while when the gentleman heard things on the news suggesting that the Bidens may or may not have been involved in criminal activity he became very concerned that possibly he was holding some kind of illegal material.
10. “So it was now his property according to the contract signed by Hunter Biden which we have right here.
11. “The property was abandoned and property that is abandoned under the law becomes the property of the person that is in possession of it.
12. “So he had every right to listen to what was there and look at what was there and he was shocked .
13. “What he saw he said was clear evidence of a crime, clear evidence that the Bidens were lying over and over again .
14. “And then on the photographs clear evidence of criminal activity and some activity I would have a hard time describing and really should be left to more private discussion.
15. “In short, what these photographs display is a Hunter Biden who is a very serious I would say degenerate crack addict.
16. “What that means is he doesn’t get rehabilitated.
17. “When he goes into rehabilitation there is even picture of him going out at night smoking crack.
18. “So what it looks like is all during the period of time when he was taking millions and millions and millions of dollars there would be pictures of him sitting in a closet smoking dope or engaged in sex while smoking crack with the woman, sometimes on his own.
19. “It proves without any doubt that none of this money was intended for Hunter Biden because nobody would pay this guy ten dollars.
20. “You couldn’t be sure if you gave him ten dollars to go get a bottle of milk for you that he’d come back.
21. “So there’s no way that some of the biggest criminals in the world are going to be paying him $10,000,000 to $14,000,000 or $30,000,000 or investing in a $1,500,000,000 (one point five billion dollar) completely ridiculous private equity fund.
22. “So what commodity did Hunter have to sell?
23. “That’s pretty easy isn’t it?
24. “The Vice Presidency of the United States.
25. “Which … his uncle and Joes younger brother had been doing for the prior twenty years.
26. “And that’s why this is a crime family.
27. “I know their name is not Italian.
28. “But you know, this RICO statute applies to political corruption. It applies to white collar crime.
29. “I am the first one to really use it to effectively bring down the Mafia, the Mafia drug dealers, the Teamsters Union, the Fulton Fish Market, the private carding industry, and then Wall Street, and then after that United States Congressmen, and a substantial number of New York City officials, New York State officials, Republican and Democrat, probably that’s what got me elected mayor.
30. “Didn’t do it for that reason but that’s what made me well known in New York and taught me what was wrong with New York.
31. “So I know this statute backwards and forwards and this is a perfect case for it because this Biden Family was engaging in the business of crime.
32. “And their commodity? Joe’s public office.
33. “And Joe, you will see, shared in the proceeds which is clearly admitted by his co-conspirators.
34. “So let me outline it for you so that you will be able to follow all of this.
35. “And there will be more than what I am just saying but I am taking four that will get the most prominence.
36. “Now we’re going to focus on when he was Vice President of the United States because that’s where the big money was made.
37. “Before he was Vice President of the United States he made substantial amounts of money through the lobbying of his brothers, the fact that his son had a no show job with a major bank in Delaware. Joe Biden was the only Democratic Senator that lobbied in favor of banks, against using the bankruptcy laws, because all democrats were in favor of that.
38. “Theoretically, they like to say they represent poor people.
39. “Joe was representing the rich bank that was employing his son in a no show job which is how his drug addict son began his career.
40. “But nobody else would employ him because he’d be out two three days a week.
41. “You know. Looking for crack.
42. “It’s a terrible problem.
43. “And I don’t mean to pick on Hunter for being an addict.
44. “That’s a terrible affliction.
45. “As a father, I blame Joe Biden. I say to myself.
46. “I don’t know if I had a child afflicted by that wouldn’t I take care of them and keep them in rehabilitation.
47. “Would I expose them to the most crooked man in Ukraine, one of the most crooked people in China, to probably the most crooked woman in Russia?
48. “Would I do that to a drug addict son? Just because of greed?
49. “I don’t know. I think this is Joe Biden’s fault.
50. “But in any event I have outlined four transactions here. [TWO SET FORTH IN THIS POST.]
51. “And these are the principle players that we can identify from the analysis we have done so far of the texts and the emails and the photographs.
52. “And I have to say we have analyzed about a quarter of it. For it is very, very extensive.
53. “So what you have, and I will summarize them really quickly is let’s call this JOE THE POINT MAN.
54. “Obama was very, very comfortable with that designation POINT MAN.
55. “So when IRAQ, when we were negotiating to end our role in IRAQ it was really, really critical for the national security interests of the United States that we retain troops there so that we could keep IRAN from basically creating an extension of the Islamic Republic of IRAN empire.
56. “And Joe Biden was sent to do that.
57. “Now that was probably a very foolish decision by President Obama because Joe Biden honestly had never succeeded at any negotiation ever.
58. “Robert Gates, his co-cabinet member in the Obama administration, probably commenting on this and any number of other things including his opposition to killing Bin Laden said that Joe Biden had never been correct on any matter of foreign policy in his entire life.
59. “That’s a quote from his fellow cabinet member.
60. “Well, he [Joe] went to IRAQ.
61. “He was supposed to negotiate this agreement that the IRAQIS would allow ten to twenty thousand American troops to stay behind and have immunity from prosecution so they couldn’t get caught in the cross fire between the Sunis, the Shias, and the other elements there.
62. “Of course, he failed.
63. “But the Biden Crime Family came out of it really good. Really, really good.
64. “James, his brother, who had no experience in housing was all of a sudden miraculously made part of a one point five billion dollar ($1,500,000,000), seems like a convenient number for them, one point five billion dollar housing deal in IRAQ.
65. “And like Hunter, James had no experience – in building houses.
66. “He [James] was a sleezy lobbyest on K street.
67. “And I say sleezy advisedly because it was all over the newspapers if you care to ask and every time it would come up Joe would say I don’t know my family’s business.
68. “After a while, that becomes kind of an incredible answer, doesn’t it.
69. “[THE IRAQ DEAL] Then of course we have the Russian situation, that’s the IRAQ situation [pointing to descriptive diagram], the money goes to his brother and as you will see about half that money will end up in the pocket of Joe Biden.
70. “As well, James will be responsible for some of the Biden family expenses.
71. “‘Cause Joe didn’t pay for much. [Ad]
72. “Thank you for returning to the discussion of the Biden Crime Family.
73. “[THE RUSSIAN DEAL] The second one we have is Russia. Russia is a little cloudy. Don’t know it as well. We’re just digging it out but it is quite clear that Hunter Biden received $3.5 million dollars ($3,500,000) from the wife of the mayor of Moscow, the former mayor of Moscow, since deceased. Catarina Batarina.
74. “Catarina is quite a character.
75. “I mean she’s now considered the wealthiest woman in Russia.
76. “Probably the most dangerous woman in Russia.
77. “She more or less double crossed her husband to get him out of office and placate Putin.
78. “Putin might have actually had a good reason to get rid of her husband.
79. “Because her husband whom I knew because he was the mayor of Moscow when I was mayor of New York.
80. “Her husband was really an out of control crook.
81. “He was taking money from Putin’s friends.
82. “Not a good idea.
83. “So they got him out and she became even closer to Putin as a result of that.
84. “So when you think of that $3.5 million dollars, I want you to remember that it is coming from one of Putin’s allies.
85. “Remember, Russian collusion that the democrats charged the president with.
86. “There was no Russian collusion.
87. “We now know from the Brennan notes that Hillary made that up.
88. “But even more galling than that no Republican got any money from Russia.
89. “These characters got $3.5 million dollars ($3,500,000) from Putin’s best friend.
90. “And the press doesn’t care.
91. “The press doesn’t care.
92. “Actually, it’s a little bit more than $3.5 million.
93. “It’s closer to $3.8 because there were two laundered payments that I think can be easily proven.
94. “And we still don’t know why.
95. “Because Biden lied about it during the debate when he said there was no such transaction.
96. “I don’t know that if Joe just thinks he can say this and because the press is like sickeningly on his side, as the moderator was.
97. “Nobody is going to really pay attention to the documents that show the money.
98. “But we got ‘em Joe.
99. “Anybody interested in truth and fairness is going to want to see them.
100. “So now let’s get to Ukraine [IN THE NEXT POST] which we have heard a lot about.
Sean and Rush and POTUS TRUMP and all media and the nation,
The Democratic Party was the party of slavery, Jim Crow, Ku Klux Klan, Lynching, Poll Taxes, Segregation, and Japanese-American Internment.
It is the party of BLACK abortion, HISPANIC abortion, Native American abortion, Caucasian abortion, Asian American abortion? Yes it is responsible for surgically and chemically killing 300,000,000+ unborn babies since Roe v Wade if you simply add up the surgical killing numbers and chemical killing footnote numbers taken from the abortion counter online put forth by Planned Parenthood itself. 50,000,000+ of those babies were BLACK babies. 50,000,000+ were Hispanic babies.
And Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are now the party of socialism trending communism and riots, looting, inner city murders, and anarchy? Yes they are.
ALL WE WANT IS TO BE FREE, SAFE, AND PROSPEROUS. That is why no one in his or her right mind will vote for Joe and any other democrat and everyone will vote for POTUS TRUMP and VP PENCE and the Republicans in November.
1. So BARREL, I have a suggestion for POTUS TRUMP. I have been watching POTUS TRUMP’S daily coronavirus briefings and watching all of the snarky questions from the so-called reporters and I have what may be an intriguing epiphany/idea.
2. What is that PORK?
3. How about bringing all of the media owner moguls from Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Breitbart News, Drudge Report, Infowars, Washington POST, NY Times, LA Times, Chicago Times, etc., etc., to a special multi-hour news briefing to them and the nation and leave all of their low level dog in the manger minions outside for a change?
4. How about talking directly to the media owners?
5. Get them in the same room and review COVID 19 with them and any other matters of interest.
6. And do so face to face and then use ZOOM or Gotomeeting weekly and get them involved in the solution so their dog in the manger minions don’t keep roiling the nation with their negativity.
7. Wow, PORK. That is a spectacular suggestion.
8. BARREL, my bet is that the media owner moguls are more than willing to help the nation and that at the same time they are willing to change the tone of the media from negative to positive and thereby help contain COVID 19 and get the economy back on a fast track.
2. PORK, I know a few things. I know that it sure looks like the media panic cart is before the politicians’ panic horse. Consider these facts. In this coronavirus panic, we have @ 100 cases of “COVID-19” virus with 9 deaths in the U.S.
3. In the Coronavirus MERS panic we had 2 cases and 0 deaths in the U.S. in the year 2012. No deaths then and no deaths since.
4. In the Coronavirus SARS panic we had 27 cases and 0 deaths in the U.S. in the year 2017. No deaths then and no deaths since.
5. Now let’s stop and at the same time take a hard look at INFLUENZA virus in the U.S. CDC says there have been 18,000 to 46,000 deaths from influenza virus in the U.S. so far this influenza virus year.
6. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 1,000,000+ sick with influenza virus in the U.S. this year.
7. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 400,000+ hospitalized with influenza virus in the U.S. this year. A hospital administrator friend of mine says the hospitals are stressed because of the great number of influenza virus cases.
8. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 60,000 deaths are expected from influenza virus in the U.S. this year.
9. Perhaps more precisely, the CDC estimates that since 2010 influenza virus has resulted in
10. between 9 million – 45 million illnesses,
11. between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and
12. between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
13. Hey, folks, and especially you politicians and those who run the CDC, that means between 120,000 to 600,000 will have died from INFLUENZA VIRUS SINCE 2010.
14. BARREL, it sure does looks like we have the media panic cart before the politicians’ panic horse.
15. My friend’s granddaughter has INFLUENZA B so I checked this out and I’m pretty sure the numbers are in the ballpark.
16. PORK, it sure looks like INFLUENZA has been and still is the “hidden” pandemic in the U.S., a pandemic not addressed on Obama’s watch or Bush’s watch. Why the reticence is a question that deserves research.
17. Sounds like those in charge of the CDC either a) need to be removed from office and someone appointed who will focus not just on media politician panic COVID-19 coronavirus but also on this “hidden pandemic” INFLUENZA VIRUS issue or b) those currently in charge at CDC need to be tasked with gathering real numbers and reporting to POTUS TRUMP and the nation and c) more importantly take serious steps to cut INFLUENZA deaths – beyond simply saying “get your flu shot.”
18. Yes, PORK, I talked to one local health official and she said they do not count deaths of adults from influenza which sounds bazaar to me.
19. You are right, BARREL. If you don’t have the precise numbers it makes it difficult to work on solving the problem.
20. And while we are at it, BARREL, it certainly looks like the stock market has been manipulated with this media politician driven coronavirus panic. Someone needs to take a hard look at that one for sure.
1. BARREL, I just read this article from New York Post and now I ask the same question. Did the Corona virus leak from a Chinese bioresearch/bioweapons lab?
2. Take a look at the following analysis. BARREL & PORK.
3. We report. You decide.
4. Don’t buy China’s story: The corona virus may have leaked from a lab
8. “At an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.
9. “A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.
10. “Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”
11. Read that again. It sure sounds like China has a problem keeping dangerous pathogens in test tubes where they belong, doesn’t it? And just how many “microbiology labs” are there in China that handle “advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus”?
12. It turns out that in all of China, there is only one. And this one is located in the Chinese city of Wuhan that just happens to be … the epicenter of the epidemic.
13. That’s right. China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses, called the National Biosafety Laboratory, is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
14. … What’s more, the People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak.
15. According to the PLA Daily, Chen has been researching corona viruses since the SARS outbreak of 2003, as well as Ebola and anthrax. This would not be her first trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, either, since it is one of only two bioweapons research labs in all of China.
16. Does that suggest to you that the novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, may have escaped from that very lab, and that Chen’s job is to try to put the genie back in the bottle, as it were? It does to me.
17. Add to this China’s history of similar incidents. Even the deadly SARS virus has escaped — twice — from the Beijing lab where it was (and probably is) being used in experiments. Both “man-made” epidemics were quickly contained, but neither would have happened at all if proper safety precautions had been taken.
18. And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.
19. You heard me right.
20. Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.
21. Enlarge ImageMembers of a police sanitation team spray disinfectant as a preventive measure against the spread of the coronavirus.AFP via Getty Images
22. Also fueling suspicions about SARS-CoV-2’s origins is the series of increasingly lame excuses offered by the Chinese authorities as people began to sicken and die.
23. They first blamed a seafood market not far from the Institute of Virology, even though the first documented cases of Covid-19 (the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2) involved people who had never set foot there.
24. Then they pointed to snakes, bats and even a cute little scaly anteater called a pangolin as the source of the virus.
25. I don’t buy any of this. It turns out that snakes don’t carry coronaviruses and that bats aren’t sold at a seafood market. Neither, for that matter, are pangolins, an endangered species valued for their scales as much as for their meat.
26. The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.
27. [It looks like] China has unleashed a plague on its own people. It’s too early to say how many in China and other countries will ultimately die for the failures of their country’s state-run microbiology labs, but the human cost will be high.
24. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler Star Chamber Impeachment boomeranged.
25. Pelosi ripping up State of the Union address boomeranged.
26. Pelosi doing nothing to help her California constituency is boomeranging.
27. Schiff doing nothing to help his California constituency is boomeranging.
28. Schumer doing nothing to help his New York constituency is boomeranging.
29. Nadler doing nothing to help his New York constituency is boomeranging.
30. Sanders pushing a socialist agenda is boomeranging.
31. Bloomberg pushing his billions Johnny come lately is boomeranging.
32. Romney voting against POTUS TRUMP and doing nothing to help his Utah constituency boomeranged.
33. Dems doing little or nothing to help our military boomeranged.
34. Doing little or nothing to secure our borders and help fund and build the wall boomeranged.
35. Doing little or nothing to help fund and improve our infrastructure boomeranged.
36. Doing little or nothing to help reduce regulations and get rid of political corrrectness boomeranged.
37. Doing little or nothing to help reduce costs of health care boomeranged.
38. Overall, doing nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS boomeranged.
39. PORK, we told the democrats how to win elections but they wouldn’t believe us.
40. We told them why POTUS TRUMP continues to win and has such high approval ratings and will win a second term.
41. Remind me, BARREL.
42. We told them multiple times, “ALL THE DEMOCRATS NEED TO DO TO WIN ELECTIONS AND BEAT POTUS TRUMP IS STOP CRITICIZING POTUS TRUMP AND HELP US BE FREE, SAFE, AND PROSPEROUS and jettison all of the consultants telling them otherwise.”
43. Not going to happen, BARREL.
44. They are obsessed with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.
45. Besides, just before the election it would be too little too late if they are so inclined to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
46. POTUS TRUMP has already done that and in the process has beaten the democrats at what they thought was their own game.
47. The democrats under Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler have done little or nothing for us except trash the constitutional impeachment power and spend in excess of $30 million of our hard earned money and waste our time for several years in these foolish investigations and impeachment hearings.
48. During the same time, POTUS TRUMP, who was acquitted on all counts, has helped Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Caucasian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Catholic Americans, Evangelical Americans, Latter-day Saint Americans, Seventh Day Adventist Americans, all American sports enthusiasts, all American military personnel, all Americans be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS
Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.
4. BARREL, it looks like she did commit a felony. What do you our readers think? Do you think she ought to be prosecuted? We report. You decide.
1. BARREL, what is your take away after this first day of the Impeachment Trial in the Senate?
2. My take, is this PORK – POTUS Trump was well within his rights in his dealings with Ukraine and the House. There is no proof of wrongdoing.
3. There is no proof of Russia collusion, of quid pro quo, or obstruction of justice, or obstruction of congress.
4. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are on trial, not POTUS Trump.
5. Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi have failed to make their partisan case. All four have wasted our time and money and in the process failed their own constituencies completely.
6. While these four continue to waste our money and time, POTUS Trump is helping us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
7. The dark perfidiousness of Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, in trying to remove a sitting president for political advantage, is now brought into the light of day for the Senate, the nation, and the world to condemn.
8. Yes, BARREL. I agree with you. Let’s vote the four out of office and send them packing. I’m forecasting a POTUS Trump rout in the fall.
1. BARREL, I read POTUS Trump’s 6 page letter to Nancy Pelosi.
2. POTUS TRUMP sets the record straight.
3. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer and their cronies are guilty of POTUS Abuse and will go down in history with significant egg-opprobrium on their faces.
7. What alternative is that, Barrel?
8. PORK, We have three branches of government. In this case, where the Nancy and the House legislature are running roughshod over POTUS TRUMP, the Supreme Court is in place for a reason and is the proper arbiter.
10. POTUS TRUMP should appeal directly to the Supreme Court before the matter goes to the Senate and shut Adam’s and Jerry’s and Nancy’s and Chuck’s charade down.
11. There is no evidence of obstruction of congress or abuse of power on the part of POTUS TRUMP.
12. The function of the Supreme Court is to evaluate just such “legal” situations and establish the scope of matters like impeachment as found in the constitution and resolve them.
13. In this case the Supreme Court has the power to issue an injunction and sanctions on Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and other parties thus stopping this abuse of a sitting president by an individual or party.
14. All POTUS TRUMP has to do is file for a ruling and injunction thus asking the Supreme Court for the help.
15. I know an old civil and criminal attorney. His philosophy is simple. “So sue me. But know this. I will be right back at you with a set of counterclaims that eclipse your claims.”
1. You four – Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer – have ineptly wasted several years of our time and millions of dollars with your misguided animus and impeachment hearings and the four of you are guilty of POTUS ABUSE.
2. During the years since POTUS Trump was elected, you have spent all of your time criticizing POTUS Trump while doing nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS and in the process have violated your oaths of office and
failed your California and other constituencies and the nation in general. Once again your efforts to harm POTUS Trump have turned into an impeachment nothingburger and boomerang back at ya.
3. We predict a 2020 landslide for POTUS Trump because of your misguided investigations and animus and costly impeachment actions against him. We believe his real poll numbers are 80-90% now and given the way you have abused him it is obvious to us that the four of you are guilty of collusion against the POTUS and you four are also guilty of POTUS ABUSE and we call for your resignations.
4. The idea that POTUS Trump abused power is ludicrous given his letters and interaction with Ukraine which show:
l. NO INDICATION POTUS TRUMP withheld military aid or anything from President Zelenskyy and Ukraine in return for an investigation of corruption – including an investigation into Burisma company and Joe and his son!
m. In fact, in conversation with POTUS Trump President Zelenskyy says he/Ukraine is just about ready to buy Javelins!
n. The fact is both men have a very low opinion of Ambassador Ivanovich and POTUS Trump is not faulted if he replaced her!
o. We have a mutual effort on the part of POTUS TRUMP and President Zelenskyy to work together and to reign in and eliminate corruption – and this with the help of prosecutor(s) in Ukraine and Mr. Giuliani and AG Barr — looking into corruption including looking into Burisma and Joe and his son and the China billion plus graft to Joe’s son and to Joe. If Joe withheld U.S. aid to Ukraine in return for the firing of the prosecutor looking into Burisma and Joe’s son – which Joe admitted and laughed at – and if Joe’s son and Joe got a billion plus from the Chinese, trace the money to Joe’s and his son’s various accounts including any hidden ones, Joe needs to admit his perfidy and quit his sham political race.
p. While the phone call transcript exonerates POTUS TRUMP, nothing to-date exonerates Joe or his son or you four.
5. The idea that POTUS Trump obstructed congress with a few tweets or refusal to dignify your one sided charade with witnesses is ludicrous. You four are the ones who have obstructed congress by preventing republican witnesses from testifying and by holding secret hearings. You four are the ones who are guilty of POTUS ABUSE, obstruction of congress, and abuse of power. All members of the house need to vote no on impeachment and stop this political madness and focus on helping us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
1. BARREL, have Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans failed us miserably and in the process underestimated POTUS Trump?
2. Yes, PORK, they have and they still are failing us miserably and they are still underestimating POTUS Trump.
3. How so, BARREL?
4. PORK, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans have now wasted months of their and our time and much more than $30 million of our tax money on a failed now boomeranged Russia narrative and Mueller Report and impeachment narrative, caring not one whit for us but only for themselves and their antagonism toward POTUS Trump.
5. In business, Adam and Nancy and their crony democrats and republicans would be ousted from the company for failing to build the company, wasting time, while intentionally losing $30 million plus as they have done.
6. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans are not builders.
7. Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans have done everything to tear down and nothing to build our country.
8. They have failed us miserably. In the process they have violated their oath of office.
9. They have wasted our time and our money and our trust. They have failed to help us be free, safe, and prosperous.
10. Nancy has failed her own San Francisco district which has gone down, down, down. Who would want to visit San Francisco given its lack of attention to hygiene.
11. For her dereliction of duty, Nancy should know she is in serious danger of being outed by a smart political competitor and a thinking San Francisco electorate.
12. Likewise, Adam Schiff has done nothing of consequence to help his California district. He has wasted his time and our time and our money in this foolish vendetta against POTUS Trump.
13. In the meantime, POTUS Trump has cared for us by keeping more than 300 of his promises he made to us including building the wall (Keep in mind that the Mexican government at last note had 27000 troops on the border helping us block illegal entry to the country – Mexico is paying for a human wall.). POTUS Trump has helped all of us Americans – BLACKs and HISPANICs, JEWs and NATIVE AMERICANS, WHITEs and ASIAN AMERICANS – be free. safe. and prosperous. He is responsible for one of the best American economies and stock markets in history.
14. I’ll say it again, if Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans want to win elections and be of any value to us the electorate, they have got to fire the ad agencies and pr agencies and consultants and lawyers who are conning them into prolonging this impeachment garbage.
15. We are over the tipping point sick and tired of Nancy’s and Adam’s and their crony democrat and republican misguided false narratives and collusion to take down a president of the United States.
16. If they want our votes, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and their crony democrats and republicans need to do an about face and focus on helping us be free, safe, and prosperous and stop all of this nonsense impeachment waste of money and time. That is what a thinking electorate wants and will vote for.
PORK, what are your thoughts following the third debate? Has Biden fallen apart and lost the democrat primary?
Yes, BARREL. The democratic leadership needs to pay attention. He produced 9 gaffes, lies, and awkward moments just in this 3rd primary debate. 5 Examples – he referred to Bernie Sanders as “president,” couldn’t keep his false teeth straight, was lost in time, rambled, referred to himself as Congressman when he never served. He lost in 1988. He lost in 2008. List and catalogue his erratic responses and behaviors and Las Vegas heavy odds are now that he is hopelessly lost in 2019.
Looking beyond primaries, and most importantly, for the past years since POTUS Trump took office, the democrats have done nothing to help us be free, safe, and prosperous. All they have done is criticize and find fault when in fact it was Hillary who colluded with the Russians and obstructed justice in several ways.
PORK, of course he will. No president in history has done more for the common man than POTUS Trump. Besides the networks whether for or against POTUS Trump are making billions off him. They won’t permit him to lose.
BARREL, this video of Steve Jobs says it all. Steve speaks from beyond the veil of death to us. He really describes what POTUS Trump is doing and Steve says to the democrats and equally to the republicans where their focus ought to be if they are to be relevant in this world.
So everybody chill out and take a good look at what Steve says and how he responds to an insult and overlay this on the current approach of so many people in dealing with and misunderstanding POTUS Trump.
BARREL, all POTUS TRUMP and FLOTUS TRUMP are saying to the naysayer critics in both parties, including Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, as well to any who are obvious communists and socialists, as well to all of the media, Hannity, Carlson, Maddow, CNN anchors, MSNBC anchors, Fox News anchors, Drudge, Breitbart, WSJ, New York Times, Infowars, the list goes on and on, all POTUS TRUMP and FLOTUS TRUMP are saying is:
BARREL, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Clintons and Obamas and the democrats cannot sidestep the fact that they have negative messages and they have done nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. Chuck and Nancy and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies have no platform of substance that is helpful to us. Their policies are all albatrosses around their necks. The democrats are suffering from what I call POLITICAL ALBATROSS SYNDROME.
Unless the democrats jettison their current leadership and their albatrosses, they have little or no hope of winning elections and governing.
What do you mean, albatrosses and albatross syndrome, PORK?
BARREL, the albatross is a very big sea bird.
In the poem “The Rime of the ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the sailor who shoots and kills the friendly albatross is compelled by the ship crew to wear the albatross carcass around his neck as a terrible punishment because the crew blames the sailor for the horribly bad luck that befalls the ship and the crew.
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies have saddled the rank and file democrats with policies that don’t work and now at minimum these 5 albatrosses are hanging around the necks of Chuck and Nancy and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies and by extension all democrats, and they must jettison and get rid of them if they are ever to be relevant, win elections, and govern well, if at all – hence my characterization – the democratic party leadership and many if not all democrats are suffering from political albatross syndrome.
1) ALBATROSS ONE. They have done nothing of substance to help us be FREE.
2) ALBATROSS TWO. They have done nothing of substance to help us be SAFE.
3) ALBATROSS THREE. They have done nothing of substance to help us be PROSPEROUS.
4) ALBATROSS FOUR. They have a policy of CRITICISM and ACCUSATIONS of POTUS Trump and anyone, Judge Kavanaugh included, who does anything to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
5) ALBATROSS FIVE. They have a policy of INVESTIGATIONS designed to marginalize POTUS Trump and all efforts to help us, to help America, be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS.
6) ALBATROSS SIX. They have a globalist policy of open borders without proper vetting and e-verification and this to our definite harm.
All women want to be safe.
All men want to be safe.
All who come to America need to come through the front door, be vetted and e-verified.
Our borders are valued and must be protected with troops, with a wall, whatever is necessary.
All immigration into the U.S. must be orderly.
7) ALBATROSS SEVEN. They have a globalist policy of open abortion to the genocidal destruction of BLACK babies and HISPANIC babies and NATIVE AMERICAN babies and JEWISH AMERICAN babies and ASIAN AMERICAN babies and CAUCASIAN babies.
You and I both know, BARREL, that primarily on the democrat’s watch and at their instance more than 300,000,000 American unborn babies have been surgically and chemically killed, murdered, dismembered since Roe v Wade in 1973.
50,000,000+ were BLACK babies. 50,000,000+ were HISPANIC babies. (It is no wonder we see BLEXIT – and Walkaway – with Blacks and Hispanics and others leaving the democratic party in droves.)
The other 200,000,000+ were JEWISH, NATIVE AMERICAN, ASIAN AMERICAN, and CAUCASIAN babies.
The only one who is keeping his positive campaign promises front and center with laser focus on helping us and our unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS is POTUS Trump and most of his colleagues.
PORK, it is my conclusion that Christine Blasey Ford is a consummate liar and that her story is a calculated, fabricated effort to take down Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a man with an unblemished record.
After 36 years, did she “remember” and claim that she drank only “one beer?” Yes. Could she remember the day of her alleged polygraph even though it was a couple of weeks earlier on her grandmother’s birthday? No.
After 36 years, did she “remember” music was playing in the room where allegedly she was assaulted? Yes.
Can she show us the house on a map? No.
Can she tell us how many people were there at the house? No.
Can she tell us how old she was? No. She said 17. Then she said 15.
Can she tell us how she got home? No.
Can she tell us the address where the alleged assault took place? No.
Can she tell us the date of the alleged party? No.
Can she tell us the month the alleged party happened? No.
Can she tell us the place? No.
Can she tell us the year the alleged assault took place? No.
Can she tell us who drove her home? No.
Can she tell us who drove her to the alleged party? No.
Can she tell us who owned the house the alleged party was in? No. Can she drive us to the house? No. Can she tell us the color of the house or the landscaping? No.
Can she tell us how many persons were in the room where she was allegedly assaulted? No. First it was 4 and then 2.
Did she leave who her parents and brothers are off from her Wikipedia site? Yes.
Did she admit that she was drinking at the alleged party? Yes.
Did she explain why she is alleged in yearbooks and internet sites to have been a serious alcohol drinker during high school? No. Did she address whether she is currently an alcoholic? No.
Did she explain to us why she is a liberal activist? No.
Did she explain to us why she is anti-Trump? No.
Did she explain to us why she is alleged to have written the words “Scalia-types must be banned from law” on her Facebook page in 2016? No.
Did she explain to us why she is alleged to be portrayed in Holton Arms yearbooks as a binge drinker and a promiscuous wild party girl with multiple partners, as many as 54, during high school to college? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she asked that the letter not be disclosed and then personally disclosed the letter? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she colluded with Senator Feinstein and or her staff to create and leak the letter? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her father Ralph Blasey II worked and still works for the CIA? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her father Ralph Blasey II was vice president for the National Savings and Trust “black budget bank” known for funding CIA deep state operations? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her grandfather was a key figure in the CIA? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she heads up the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford University? No.
Did she explain why she has now raised $750,000 off her story when her attorneys are allegedly working pro bono and travel at most costs a few thousand dollars? No. And did she explain that she is or soon will be a millionaire because she “came forward” like Anita Hill who became a millionaire writing books for Doubleday? No. And did she explain why her attorneys are now being investigated? No.
Did she explain why there are at least 14 serious errors in the letter she claims to have written, errors no PhD would make, errors that would be made by an inexperienced writer, perhaps an inexperienced writer from another country, or an old person of another generation like Senator Feinstein? No.
Did she state that she left the alleged party without telling anyone there were two rapists in the building? Yes.
Did she lie about being afraid to fly? Yes.
Did she fly long distances for vacations yet use the excuse of fear of flying to put off the hearing and buy the democrats added time? Yes.
Did she or her accomplices diligently try to scrub the internet of anything incriminating about her binge drinking and promiscuity as a teen? Yes.
Did she reveal her alleged harm to democrats only? Yes. Did she explain why she did not go to the police at any point? No.
Did she reveal herself to the anti-Trump Washington Post? Yes.
Did she state that she came forward because she saw Judge Kavanaugh’s name on POTUS Trump’s list? Yes.
Was Judge Kavanaugh’s name on POTUS Trump’s list at the time she alleges? No. It was added later so she would not have seen it and thus lied about it.
So did she lie about the reason she came forward? Yes.
Did she tell anyone at the time of the alleged incident? No.
Did she tell anyone there were two “rapists” in the house? No.
Did she tell her brothers? She says not
Did she tell her father? She says not.
Did she tell her mother? She says not.
Did she tell us why it is alleged that her brother Ralph Blasey III worked for the International Law Firm of … Baker Hostetler; the firm that created FusionGPS, the company that wrote the infamous “Russia Dossier”? No.
Did she tell us who her brothers are and what they do for a living and what they did when she was in high school? No. Did she tell us how many times her brothers drove her to parties or other places? No. Did she tell us her brothers’ involvement in such parties? No.
Did she tell us who her father is? No.
Did she tell us who her mother is? No.
Did she turn over her therapist notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee? No.
Did she withhold essential details about the alleged polygraph? Yes.
Does any person she lists as being at the alleged party confirm her story? No.
Does any witness from anywhere in the world corroborate any element of her story? No.
Does her life-friend support or deny her story? Denies.
Is her “little girl voice” demeanor during her testimony credible? No.
Is her lack of emotion during her testimony credible? No.
Is her polygraph uncorroborated and as such is it worthless? Yes. Does she tell us who ordered her polygraph? No.
Is her Safeway reference credible? No.
Is her slight show of emotion during her testimony credible? No.
Is her tucking of the head demeanor and tongue pushing during her testimony indicative that she was and is not credible? Yes.
Is she specific after 36 years that she locked herself in the bathroom? Yes. Has she explained why the two “rapists” did not follow her? No.
Is she an accomplice and shill of the far left? Yes.
Was she raped? No. Was she assaulted? May have been but it wasn’t by Brett Kavanaugh.
If she was Holton Arms High School promiscuous during her teenage years as alleged in immense detail in “her” school yearbooks, does this negate her alleged assault and attempted rape story completely? Yes. Has she explained the “erotic” details about Holton Arms High School girls alcohol binges to blackout and multiple sex partners and break beach parties/black out orgies even involving older men? No. Has she explained why two other men have come forward to say they assaulted her? No.
If she is tied to the CIA and the law firm that created the infamous “dossier” and the Clintons in multiple ways as alleged (Judge Kavanaugh called out the Clintons), if she colluded with the democrats as is apparent from the Kavanaugh Ford hearing, if she colluded with Senator Feinstein (who went out of her way to set herself apart with plausible denability, yet Senator Feinstein duplicitously withheld the alleged Ford letter from Senator Grassley and the committee, thereby obstructing justice, and if she colluded with Senator Feinstein’s staff, does even a fraction of such conduct negate her story that she was assaulted, that two men attempted to rape her? Yes.
Did she collude with others including Senator Feinstein, whose attempt at plausible deniability was blatant and whose intent and conduct was to obstruct justice, and did Mrs. Ford collude with Senator Feinstein’s staff, and others she refers to as friends in California? Yes.
Did she fabricate her story about Judge Kavanaugh? Yes.
Is she responsible for the trauma caused to Judge Kavanaugh and his family including daughters and wife and others? Yes.
What happens now? Wait and see what the FBI reports and applaud Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation by the Senate in the next few days. Although Mrs. Ford may have been assaulted sometime in the past, there is no corroborating evidence whatsoever that Christine Ford was assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh.
PORK, it is my conclusion that Christine Blasey Ford is a consummate liar and that her story is a calculated, fabricated effort to take down Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a man with an unblemished record.
Why do I say that? Because of the following:
After 36 years, did she “remember” and claim that she drank only “one beer?” Yes.
After 36 years, did she “remember” music was playing in the room? Yes.
Can she show us the house on a map? No.
Can she tell us how many people were there at the house? No.
Can she tell us how old she was? No. She said 17. Then she said 15.
Can she tell us how she got home? No.
Can she tell us the address where the alleged assault took place? No.
Can she tell us the date of the alleged party? No.
Can she tell us the month the alleged party happened? No.
Can she tell us the place? No.
Can she tell us the year the alleged assault took place? No.
Can she tell us who drove her home? No.
Can she tell us who drove her to the alleged party? No.
Can she tell us who owned the house the alleged party was in? No.
Can she tell us how many persons were in the room where she was allegedly assaulted? No. First it was 4 and then 2.
Did she leave who her parents and brothers are off from her Wikipedia site? Yes.
Did she admit that she was drinking at the alleged party? Yes.
Did she explain why she is alleged in year books and internet sites to have been a serious alcohol drinker during high school? No.
Did she explain to us why she is a liberal activist? No.
Did she explain to us why she is anti-Trump? No.
Did she explain to us why she is alleged to have written the words “Scalia-types must be banned from law” on her Facebook page in 2016?
Did she explain to us why she is alleged to be portrayed in Holton Arms year books as a binge drinker and a promiscuous wild party girl with multiple partners, as many as 54, during high school to college? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she asked that the letter not be disclosed and then personally disclosed the letter? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she colluded with Senator Feinstein and or her staff to create and leak the letter? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her father Ralph Blasey II worked and still works for the CIA? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her father Ralph Blasey II was vice president for the National Savings and Trust “black budget bank” known for funding CIA deep state operations? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that her grandfather was a key figure in the CIA? No.
Did she explain why it is alleged that she heads up the CIA undergraduate internship program at Stanford University? No.
Did she explain why she has now raised $750,000 off her story when her attorneys are allegedly working pro bono? No. And did she explain why her attorneys are now being investigated? No.
Did she explain why there are at least 14 serious errors in the letter she claims to have written, errors no PhD would make, errors that would be made by an inexperienced writer, perhaps a writer from another country, or an old person of another generation like Senator Feinstein? No.
Did she state that she left the alleged party without telling anyone there were two rapists in the building? Yes.
Did she lie about being afraid to fly? Yes.
Did she fly long distances for vacations yet use the excuse of fear of flying to put off the hearing and buy the democrats added time? Yes.
Did she or her accomplices diligently try to scrub the internet of anything incriminating about her binge drinking and promiscuity as a teen? Yes.
Did she reveal her alleged harm to democrats only? Yes. Did she explain why she did not go to the police at any point? No.
Did she reveal herself to the anti-Trump Washington Post? Yes.
Did she state that she came forward because she saw Judge Kavanaugh’s name on POTUS Trump’s list? Yes.
Was Judge Kavanaugh’s name on POTUS Trump’s list at the time she alleges? No. It was added later so she would not have seen it and thus lied about it.
So did she lie about the reason she came forward? Yes.
Did she tell anyone at the time of the alleged incident? No.
Did she tell anyone there were two “rapists” in the house? No.
Did she tell her brothers? She says not
Did she tell her father? She says not.
Did she tell her mother? She says not.
Did she tell us why it is alleged that her brother Ralph Blasey III worked for the International Law Firm of … Baker Hostetler; the firm that created FusionGPS, the company that wrote the infamous “Russia Dossier”? No.
Did she tell us who her brothers are and what they do for a living and what they did when she was in high school? No. Did she tell us how many times her brothers drove her to parties or other places? No. Did she tell us her brothers’ involvement in such parties? No.
Did she tell us who her father is? No.
Did she tell us who her mother is? No.
Did she turn over her therapist notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee? No.
Did she withhold dispositive details about the alleged polygraph? Yes.
Does any person she lists as being at the alleged party confirm her story? No.
Does any witness from anywhere in the world corroborate any element of her story? No.
Does her life-friend support or deny her story? Denies.
Is her “little girl voice” demeanor during her testimony credible? No.
Is her lack of emotion during her testimony credible? No.
Is her polygraph uncorroborated as it is worthless? Yes.
Is her Safeway reference credible? No.
Is her slight show of emotion during her testimony credible? No.
Is her tucking of the head demeanor and tongue pushing during her testimony indicative that she was and is not credible? Yes.
Is she specific after 36 years that she locked herself in the bathroom? Yes.
Is she an accomplice and shill of the far left? Yes.
Was she raped? No. Was she assaulted? May have been but it wasn’t by Brett Kavanaugh.
If she was Holton Arms High School promiscuous during her teenage years as alleged does this negate her alleged assault and attempted rape story completely? Yes. Has she explained the “erotic” details about Holton Arms High School girls alcohol binges to blackout and multiple sex partners and break beach parties/black out orgies? No.
If she is tied to the CIA and the law firm that created the infamous “dossier” and the Clintons in multiple ways as alleged, and colluded with the democrats, including Senator Feinstein and her staff, does this also negate her alleged assault and attempted rape story completely? Yes.
Did she collude with others including Senator Feinstein, whose attempt at plausible deniability was blatant, and Senator Feinstein’s staff, and others she refers to as friends in California? Yes.
Did she fabricate her story about Judge Kavanaugh? Yes.
Is she responsible for the trauma caused Judge Kavanaugh and his family including daughters and wife and others? Yes.
What happens now? Wait and see what the FBI reports and applaud Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation by the Senate in the next few days. There is no evidence whatsoever that Christine Ford was assaulted.
BARREL, Do you think AG Jeff Sessions should un-recuse hemself?
I do, PORK. Take a look at these questions and see what you think. You decide.
AG Jeff Sessions whether or not the Inspector General Report indicates crimes have been committed, don’t you think it is time to un-recuse yourself today and terminate the Mueller investigation and take full charge of the DOJ including the FBI and indict those who committed crimes so we can have some peace?
Why you recused yourself is still in large measure a mystery to most of us rank and file citizens?
Your recusal appears to many of us to be sheer nonsense?
Did you know you were going to recuse yourself before you took office as A.G. and did you intentionally fail to inform POTUS Trump so he was prevented from appointing someone else?
Once you did know you were going to recuse yourself, did you intentionally fail to inform POTUS Trump so he was again prevented from appointing someone else?
Did you recuse yourself because the Republican leadership complained, as one more prescient article argues?
Did you recuse yourself because the Democrat leadership complained?
Did you recuse yourself because of federal statute?
Did you recuse yourself because of DOJ policy?
Did you recuse yourself out of a moral duty?
Would you recuse yourself again knowing that the Russian narrative which has been beaten to death by the progressive liberal media was fashioned by H. Clinton and Mr. Podesta and DNC cronies as an explanation for H. Clinton’s loss and as a way to paralyze a sitting president?
Some of the above?
All of the above?
AG Jeff Sessions whether or not the Inspector General Report indicates crimes have been committed, don’t you think it is time to un-recuse yourself today and terminate the Mueller investigation and take full charge of the DOJ including the FBI and indict those who committed crimes so we can have some peace as a nation?
Is there any evidence of collusion with the Russians between then candidate Trump or now POTUS Trump? If not, the Mueller investigation should not exist?
Is there any evidence the Russians meddled in the 2016 investigation and in any way harmed either candidate? If not, the Mueller investigation should not exist?
AG Jeff Sessions whether or not the Inspector General Report indicates crimes have been committed, please un-recuse yourself today and terminate the Mueller investigation and take full charge of the DOJ including the FBI and indict those who committed the crimes so we can have some peace?
There are major unexplained allegations from Peter Sweizer and others that H. and B. Clinton and their cronies committed Email-gate and Uranium-gate and Clinton Foundation Pay to Play multi-million dollar Foreign Bribe Money gate and Tarmac gate and Russia $500,000 gate and Russia and China military secrets for campaign money gate and Funding the Dossier fake news gate and money laundering DNC funds gate to destroy Bernie and POTUS Trump to name a few of the H. Clinton gates?
There are major unexplained allegations that B. Obama committed Iran billions gate crimes and FISA gate and conspiracy to marginalize and destroy a sitting president gate crimes, both of which are far more egregious than Watergate ever hoped to be?
AG Jeff Sessions whether or not the Inspector General Report indicates crimes have been committed, please un-recuse yourself today and terminate the Mueller investigation and take full charge of the DOJ including the FBI and indict those who committed the crimes so we can have some peace?
Since recusing yourself, you have obviously done a superb job with immigration and gangs and other crimes and for which you deserve accolades!
Since recusing yourself you have also been paralyzed when it comes to the obvious alleged crimes committed by the Clintons and B. Obama and their cronies and co-conspirators?
The nation is sick and tired of the Mueller ambiguous, unfettered, diversionary, open ended search for crimes?
Allegations are that Mr. Mueller is not objective because he is a close confidant of admitted leaker James Comey and that alone is reason Mr. Mueller should have refused the assignment?
Allegations are that the Mueller investigation has cost us tax payers millions of dollars and that all who are on the Mueller team are becoming millionaires simply by drawing out this sham investigation?
Allegations are that Peter Strzok was and is conflicted as part of the conspiracy to destroy POTUS Trump?
Allegations are that Lisa Page was conflicted as part of the conspiracy to destroy POTUS Trump?
Allegations are that all on the special counsel team are democrats and thus all are conflicted?
Allegations are that Andrew Weissman is conflicted as anti-Trump?
Allegations are that Bruce G. Ohr is conflicted as anti-Trump?
Allegations are that Andrew McCabe is conflicted as anti-Trump?
Allegations are that Deputy AG Rosenstein is conflicted, among other reasons because he gave oversight to the Uranium One investigation involving Russian bribery and kickbacks?
Allegations are that the FBI participated in a political cover-up?
Allegations are that they infiltrated the Trump campaign with spy(s)?
Allegations are that they did so to aid H. Clinton and her cronies who if true collectively are crooks?.
Allegations are that Robert Mueller was over the FBI at the time and so is conflicted?
Allegations are also that Robert Mueller is a close confident of James Comey and so is conflicted?
Allegations are that Mr. Mueller’s probe has no supervision from you or from anyone in the DOJ whatsoever?
Allegations are that Mr. Mueller is AWOL as not answerable to anyone which is contrary to all common sense?
AG Jeff Sessions whether or not the Inspector General Report indicates crimes have been committed, please send a letter to POTUS Trump today and un-recuse yourself and terminate the Mueller investigation and jettison him and his partisans and take full charge of the DOJ including the FBI and indict those who committed crimes so we can have some peace?
Is it Time for AG Jeff Sessions to Un-Recuse Himself? We don’t want you to resign. We want you to step to the plate and manage and give oversight to the DOJ properly?
How to tell if a media writer or actor or producer is helping you?
Is what she or he is saying and doing helping you be more FREE? (Free from gratuitous sex, violence, objectivization, pornography, and horror)
Is what she or he is saying and doing helping you be more SAFE? (Safe from gratuitous sex, violence, and horror, safe from objectivization of women or men, safe from pornography, safe from sexual harassment)
Is what she or he is saying and doing helping you be more PROSPEROUS? (More enjoyment, more peace, less anxiety and stress)
While we are taking on sexual predation and harassment, how about taking on porn and “objectivization” of women and men in the media?
How about calling out all of these movie and film company producers and actors who have gotten filthy rich off of gratuitous sex, violence, and horror to the detriment of our children and families and selves?