BARREL, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Clintons and Obamas and the democrats cannot sidestep the fact that they have negative messages and they have done nothing to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. Chuck and Nancy and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies have no platform of substance that is helpful to us. Their policies are all albatrosses around their necks. The democrats are suffering from what I call POLITICAL ALBATROSS SYNDROME. 

Unless the democrats jettison their current leadership and their albatrosses, they have little or no hope of winning elections and governing.

What do you mean, albatrosses and albatross syndrome, PORK? 

BARREL, the albatross is a very big sea bird. 

In the poem “The Rime of the ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the sailor who shoots and kills the friendly albatross is compelled by the ship crew to wear the albatross carcass around his neck as a terrible punishment because the crew blames the sailor for the horribly bad luck that befalls the ship and the crew.

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies have saddled the rank and file democrats with policies that don’t work and now at minimum these 5 albatrosses are hanging around the necks of Chuck and Nancy and Clintons and Obamas and their cronies and by extension all democrats, and they must jettison and get rid of them if they are ever to be relevant, win elections, and govern well, if at all – hence my characterization – the democratic party leadership and many if not all democrats are suffering from political albatross syndrome.

1) ALBATROSS ONE. They have done nothing of substance to help us be FREE. 

2) ALBATROSS TWO. They have done nothing of substance to help us be SAFE. 

3) ALBATROSS THREE. They have done nothing of substance to help us be PROSPEROUS. 

4) ALBATROSS FOUR. They have a policy of CRITICISM and ACCUSATIONS of POTUS Trump and anyone, Judge Kavanaugh included, who does anything to help us be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. 

5) ALBATROSS FIVE. They have a policy of INVESTIGATIONS designed to marginalize POTUS Trump and all efforts to help us, to help America, be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS. 

6) ALBATROSS SIX. They have a globalist policy of open borders without proper vetting and e-verification and this to our definite harm. 

All women want to be safe. 

All men want to be safe. 

All who come to America need to come through the front door, be vetted and e-verified. 

Our borders are valued and must be protected with troops, with a wall, whatever is necessary. 

All immigration into the U.S. must be orderly.

7) ALBATROSS SEVEN. They have a globalist policy of open abortion to the genocidal destruction of BLACK babies and HISPANIC babies and NATIVE AMERICAN babies and JEWISH AMERICAN babies and ASIAN AMERICAN babies and CAUCASIAN babies. 

You and I both know, BARREL, that primarily on the democrat’s watch and at their instance more than 300,000,000 American unborn babies have been surgically and chemically killed, murdered, dismembered since Roe v Wade in 1973. 

50,000,000+ were BLACK babies. 50,000,000+ were HISPANIC babies. (It is no wonder we see BLEXIT – and Walkaway – with Blacks and Hispanics and others leaving the democratic party in droves.)

The other 200,000,000+ were JEWISH, NATIVE AMERICAN, ASIAN AMERICAN, and CAUCASIAN babies.

The only one who is keeping his positive campaign promises front and center with laser focus on helping us and our unborn be FREE, SAFE, and PROSPEROUS is POTUS Trump and most of his colleagues.

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