1. BARREL, what do you think about the Mustangs?
2. PORK, we ought to save them. We ought to adopt them.
And while we are at it we ought to save the unborn as well.
According to the online abortion counter, 300,000,000+ babies have been surgically and chemically killed in the U.S. since democrat sponsored Roe v. Wade. 50,000,000+ were BLACK babies. 50,000,000+ were Hispanic babies. 200,000,000 were Native American, Caucasian, and Asian American babies. That’s the equivalent in numbers of a holocaust each year.
So how can we save the unborn, PORK, despite Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justices with harm? We can get rid of Roe v Wade and adopt instead of kill a baby. That is how.
3. How about the mustangs, BARREL?
4. Adopt a Mustang, PORK. Adopt a Mustang from the BLM.
5.”Mustangs live in the grassland areas of the western United States. The Bureau of Land Management manages the U.S. mustang population and allows the horses run free on 34 million acres of public land. About 271,000 mustangs have been removed from private land by the government since 1971, according to the American Wild Horse Preservation Organization. Most of the mustang populations are found in the Western states of Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Oregon, California, Arizona, North Dakota and New Mexico. Some also live on the Atlantic coast and on islands such as the Sable, Shackleford, Assateague and Cumberland Islands.
“Mustangs live in large herds. The herd consists of one stallion, around eight females and their young, though separate herds have been known to blend when they are in danger. The herd is led by a female horse, or mare, and a stallion that is over 6 years of age. In dangerous situations, the head mare will lead her heard to safety, and the stallion will stay and fight.
“Herds spend most of their time grazing on grasses, though it is not unusual to see them playing or snuggling together for a nap. Often, when it looks like they are fighting, young mustangs are actually playing a game, much like when human children wrestle.
“The mustang is not on any endangered list at this time, though there are people petitioning to change that. About 100 years ago, about 2 million mustangs roamed the North American terrain. Now, there are fewer than 25,000 mustangs left in the wild, according to the Humane Society.
“In the wild, Mustangs can live up to 40 years. Hurt or disabled horses are protected by the herd and can live remarkably long lives when compared with other animal species that live in the wild.
“In the Wild West, cowboys would catch, tame and sell mustangs. These cowboys were called “mustang runners.” Mustangs were also hunted for their meat in the early 20th century. Sometimes their meat was used for pet food.
See https://www.livescience.com/27686-mustangs.html
“As of July 2018, there were 43,886 wild horses and 1,434 burros in government holding facilities (8,827 in short-term holding corrals, 35,850 in long-term holding pastures in the Midwest and 643 in eco-sanctuaries).”

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7. Yes, BARREL, and again, while we are at it we ought to save the unborn as well. According to the online abortion counter, 300,000,000+ babies have been surgically and chemically killed in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade. 50,000,000+ were BLACK babies. 50,000,000+ were Hispanic babies. 200,000,000 were Native American, Caucasian, and Asian American babies.
8. So how can we save the unborn, PORK. Despite Chuck Schumer threatening Supreme Court Justices with harm, get rid of Roe v Wade and adopt a baby. That is how.