2. PORK, I know a few things. I know that it sure looks like the media panic cart is before the politicians’ panic horse. Consider these facts. In this coronavirus panic, we have @ 100 cases of “COVID-19” virus with 9 deaths in the U.S.
3. In the Coronavirus MERS panic we had 2 cases and 0 deaths in the U.S. in the year 2012. No deaths then and no deaths since.
4. In the Coronavirus SARS panic we had 27 cases and 0 deaths in the U.S. in the year 2017. No deaths then and no deaths since.
5. Now let’s stop and at the same time take a hard look at INFLUENZA virus in the U.S. CDC says there have been 18,000 to 46,000 deaths from influenza virus in the U.S. so far this influenza virus year.
6. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 1,000,000+ sick with influenza virus in the U.S. this year.
7. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 400,000+ hospitalized with influenza virus in the U.S. this year. A hospital administrator friend of mine says the hospitals are stressed because of the great number of influenza virus cases.
8. INFLUENZA VIRUS IN U.S. 60,000 deaths are expected from influenza virus in the U.S. this year.
9. Perhaps more precisely, the CDC estimates that since 2010 influenza virus has resulted in
10. between 9 million – 45 million illnesses,
11. between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and
12. between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.
13. Hey, folks, and especially you politicians and those who run the CDC, that means between 120,000 to 600,000 will have died from INFLUENZA VIRUS SINCE 2010.
14. BARREL, it sure does looks like we have the media panic cart before the politicians’ panic horse.
15. My friend’s granddaughter has INFLUENZA B so I checked this out and I’m pretty sure the numbers are in the ballpark.
16. PORK, it sure looks like INFLUENZA has been and still is the “hidden” pandemic in the U.S., a pandemic not addressed on Obama’s watch or Bush’s watch. Why the reticence is a question that deserves research.
17. Sounds like those in charge of the CDC either a) need to be removed from office and someone appointed who will focus not just on media politician panic COVID-19 coronavirus but also on this “hidden pandemic” INFLUENZA VIRUS issue or b) those currently in charge at CDC need to be tasked with gathering real numbers and reporting to POTUS TRUMP and the nation and c) more importantly take serious steps to cut INFLUENZA deaths – beyond simply saying “get your flu shot.”
18. Yes, PORK, I talked to one local health official and she said they do not count deaths of adults from influenza which sounds bazaar to me.
19. You are right, BARREL. If you don’t have the precise numbers it makes it difficult to work on solving the problem.
20. And while we are at it, BARREL, it certainly looks like the stock market has been manipulated with this media politician driven coronavirus panic. Someone needs to take a hard look at that one for sure.
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